Check back often to this page where we will post photos and videos of our activities in our community.
The MTCCOK (Major Taylor Cycling Club of Oklahoma) group schedules Saturday rides of varying distances. Invites are posted the MTCCOK Tulsa Chapter Facebook page with route descriptions and files to load into your bike computer or phone.
These are photos of November rides. After the ride, we like to gather for coffee and/or a snack to visit about the ride and gather comments and feedback to help plan the next outing.
Saturday group rides provide a great opportunity for riders of all levels to gather and share the road.

Food On The Move monthly food and health fair. The objective of these events is to provide fresh fruit and vegetables out in the community. These are made possible by great volunteers and amazing sponsors.
MLK Parade with the Major Taylor Cycling Club - OKC

With Spring in the air, members of our Major Taylor Cycling Club make it a habit to participate in events like the MS150 charity bike ride and the Red Bud Classic bike event which were held in March.